I stroked my mother’s hand. The emergency room staff proposed surgery to remove the clot that caused Mom’s stroke, but they also offered the option of no intervention. I prayed for Jesus to guide my choices, feeling the heavy weight of uncertainty. I OK’d the surgery, and when she didn’t improve, more difficult choices followed. Each step of the way, I glimpsed what King Jehoshaphat must have experienced when he prayed, “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.” His words held both the pain and hope of that moment.
Many times when life is difficult, I don’t know where to turn. I look at the circumstances and feel overwhelmed. I look to friends and family, but they are only human, and while they offer support, they don’t have all the answers. I look to my own wisdom and strength and shake my head at my puniness.
What a comfort that I can turn my eyes toward Jesus, the source of true wisdom and strength. He gently steers my decisions and pours out His grace on whatever choice I make.
We eventually brought Mom home and cared for her with the support of hospice. I turned my gaze toward Jesus day by day.
Weeks later, when my mother met Him face-to-face, He was not a stranger. Her eyes had been on Jesus all her life. I’m striving to do the same.
—Sharon Hinck