A recent Facebook post caught my attention: “In a world where you can be anything, be kind.” After a bit of research, I found that the source of the quote was likely the Ven Peter Leonard, former Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight. He wrote it following the suicide of a public figure who had been besieged by negative comments and threats.
Would kind words have prevented that tragic death? I don’t know; thankfully, I haven’t been the target of verbal abuse. So my thoughts turned to the kind words and actions that have had a positive effect on my life since the death of my husband, Don. Family and close friends provide practical help and comfort. But I’ve also received blessings from unexpected sources. Martha, a talented pianist and Walking in Grace reader, sent a disc of favorite hymns she’d recorded; it included my favorite, “Amazing Grace.” The night before Mother’s Day, a neighbor and her married daughters brought me a lovely rose corsage.
“Our husbands each bought three corsages,” she said, “so we’re sharing the extras.” Another neighbor plowed my drive after a heavy snow. A busy young mother texted a Christmas invitation; she wanted to be sure I wasn’t alone.
Kindness, I realized, isn’t complicated. It’s simply being aware of those who need a prayer, a word of encouragement, an unexpected visit, or a small gift. But what a difference one small thing might make in someone’s life!
Jesus Savior, etch the words on my heart: “In a world where I can be anything, be kind.”
—Penney Schwab