My seven-year-old son began to make groaning and banging sounds from behind his bedroom door one evening. He had already gone to bed for the night, and his door was shut. Yet, the rest of the family could clearly hear his frustration. Because he is on the autism spectrum, his big feelings can come out with yelling, tears, and stomping feet but not always with words.
I sat on the couch and sighed. I prayed for this to resolve quickly and calmly. I was already tired and in need of my own quiet time. Eventually, my son came out of his room to tell me that he was very upset because another child in Sunday school had bent the pages in his Bible. He was convinced it was ruined. I tried my best to express to him that God’s love is much bigger than bent pages and that God would be very happy for him to keep reading regardless.
After some back and forth, he was ready to give going to bed another try. As I shut his door, I heard him call out and ask me, with great concern, if I still loved him. I reassured him that, of course, I did. It made me think of how love is also enough for me as His child. Like a good parent, God’s patient ear is always open for me. His grace and love are sufficient, even on a night that I may have been struggling with the guilt of being impatient with my own son.
Thank You, Lord, that while I grow and make mistakes, You will always remind me that, of course, You still love me too.
—Nicole Garcia