Although my eyes were closed as my five close friends and I prayed, I did a mental inventory of each lady. None of us attended the same congregation. We varied in age by twenty years. Our backgrounds, family stories, and interests were diverse. Yet we shared our love for Jesus. And that made us family.
When our former writers’ group disbanded, fellow member Beth emailed me, saying she would miss seeing me. I suggested she and I meet and pray together. That was ten years and six published books ago. We now meet together, with a few others, at a central location every other week to pray. Sometimes we even discuss writing projects.
But mostly we join our hearts to ask Jesus to help us raise our kids, love our husbands and parents better, and fill us with wisdom for everyday problems.
We don’t debate theological differences. Our goal is to help each other know Jesus more intimately and succeed at doing life with His help.
Some glorious day we’ll meet in heaven around Jesus’s throne to worship Him. And that makes us family.
—Jeanette Levellie