I had waited twenty years to start pursuing publication. College, marriage, a career, and the birth of my daughters prevented me from taking the time.
But I was finally staying home to raise my girls, so it seemed like the perfect opportunity to start writing again. I was several months into my first manuscript when I discovered we were pregnant with twins! My husband, daughters, and I were overjoyed to welcome two babies into our family.
But the day I heard the word “twins” was also the night I cried myself to sleep. Not because I was sad for this incredible blessing, but because I knew God was asking me to put my writing dreams on hold a little longer. How long? I didn’t know. What I did know was that God had placed a calling on my life to worship Him through my words.
As I lay there in tears, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. God whispered a promise to my heart that if I would honor Him in this season of life, He would honor my dream.
I never imagined that God would call me to pick up my pen again when my twin boys were not quite two years old. That was ten years ago, and in that time, I’ve had over twenty-five books published.
I learned an important lesson in that season of life. When we work on God’s divine timetable and honor His plans, we step into the center of His perfect will.
Lord, when I get frustrated and impatient with delays, help me to remember that my times are in Your hands.
—Gabrielle Meyer