“I am weak but Thou art strong,” the first line of the old hymn “Just a Closer Walk with Thee,” describes how I’ve often felt in the past three years. I’ve learned to make this admission to Jesus without shame or apology because it’s absolutely true. .Apart from His presence and power at work within me, I am weak and woefully inadequate when it comes to knowing how to pray, love and forgive others, and persevere under pressure.
Spending time in Jesus’s presence knowing He knows everything about me and loves me still brings a sense of relief and freedom. I am, at times, inadequate, scared, frustrated, tired, empty, and feeling rejected. But when I admit my shortcomings, honesty lifts a weight from my shoulders. I don’t have to fake it. I come just as I am and find my hope renewed in who He is.
Jesus is more than adequate to meet my needs today, tomorrow, and forever. He is my Rock, the unshakable One on whom I can depend even when global events rattle and shake me. He is my Savior who cleanses my sin stains and gives me a fresh start. He is my Fortress, my hiding place, my safe space when Satan launches attacks on me.
As I walk closer with Jesus, I rely on His strength. All that I am waits quietly on Him. He alone is my hope.
—Grace Fox