I try to avoid arguments, but one neighbor of mine seems to live for them. Recently, he began making wild accusations against me. The more I tried to convince him that he was mistaken and must have misunderstood something, the angrier and more belligerent he became. Finally, I just gave up and ended the conversation—or so I thought. He made sure to get in the last word.
Years ago, I’m not sure I could have stood for this. I’m pretty quick on my feet, and I’m relatively certain that I could’ve come up with something sharp to say back to this rude fellow. But strangely enough, I felt a peace about letting it lie, and I’m convinced that this was God’s handiwork in my heart. My only thought was, If it makes him feel better to have the last word, then let him have the last word.
When I was a teenager, a lady at church told me that there’s only one thing in the Bible that we’re guaranteed to receive if we ask for it and that’s wisdom (James 1:5). I’ve been praying for it ever since, so Lord willing, as I get older, perhaps it’s slowly kicking in. Situations may call for me to stand up for myself, the ones I love, or simply what is right, but I’m learning that some arguments just aren’t worth getting in the ring over.
After my neighbor got his coveted last word, I focused my energy into a new project and had one of the most productive days I’d had all week.
Father, please grant me wisdom and let Your Spirit grow in me the fruit of self-control.
—Ginger Rue