A new day dawned, but the anxiety that was my companion yesterday still pressed on my chest. Only months before, I would awake looking forward to the day ahead. Now I struggled to get out of bed, fearing what the day held. In those recent months, I’d lost two loved ones, experienced a separate trauma that caused post-traumatic stress disorder, and then weathered stressful career instability. Many aspects of my happy life had changed, and not for the better.
I’m known in my family as the one who dislikes change. The truth is that I welcome positive change. But unpleasant, negative change? That, I dread. Just the thought of some changes that may lie ahead—more loss, pain, and danger—is enough to overwhelm me with fear. Because of the series of hard changes I experienced in those months, I was caught in a cycle of fear and couldn’t find a way out. Where was hope in light of the grim reality that everything good seems doomed to change?
Searching for comfort, I turned to Scripture. And there I found this amazing promise: Jesus never changes. He’s the same today as He has been for all eternity. He will be the same tomorrow and forever. There isn’t even a shadow of change in Him. As the truth filled my soul, my anxiety lifted, allowing me to breathe again. Something good will never change. That something—Someone—is Jesus, who promises to never leave me or forsake me. When I experience unpleasant change or await future changes, I want to remember that Jesus is always with me, always good, and always in control of every change that comes my way.
Father, help me to rest in You and the knowledge that You will never change.
—Jerusha Agen